How To Keep Your Non Sparking Hand Tools In Repair


Non Sparking Hand Tool

                                  Non-Sparking Hand Tool

For many people who work in hazardous environments, there are dangerous risks hidden behind every spark. A single burst of heat at the wrong time or in the wrong place can bring disaster to welders and their projects. This is why when working under these conditions, they will turn to non-sparking tools.

Non-sparking tools come in a variety of manufacturing and materials. Perhaps the most common of these tools is the beryllium copper tool. As the name suggests, they were created with beryllium; it is the hardest and strongest of all copper alloys, with a tensile strength of 1280 to 1480 MPa.

However, the tensile strength of these hand tools is lower than that of typical steel standard tools. This means that they have poor durability and resistance to being worn down, broken, or damaged. Therefore, beryllium copper tools require more frequent maintenance and repairs.

Unfortunately, even non-sparking hand tools are not completely spark-proof. Compared with traditional tools, they are less likely to produce sparks, but in the right environment, they can still cause danger.

Here are some examples of possible sparks:


Ignition by friction

If the tool hits another tool or a material such as steel or concrete, sparks are generated. Generally speaking, this requires the generation of some kind of heat, which needs to last long enough to make the air vapor temperature much higher than the ignition temperature.


Ignition by chemically-generated sparks

Chemically generated sparks are usually caused by non-sparking hand tools and oxygen-containing substances (such as rust). Considering that rust is also called iron oxide, it is obvious that oxygen is present.

In order to prevent sparks, or to assist in preventing sparks, you must take care of your non-sparking tool kit to the best of its ability. Regular maintenance by yourself or a tool repair shop can keep your tools away from sparks.

Here are some ways to keep your tools in good condition:

Ensure that all tools are clean and free of contaminants, because contaminants may affect the performance of non-sparking.

Make sure that no tools come into direct contact with substances such as acetylene because acetylene can cause explosive reactions, especially in humid places.

When you are cleaning tools or working in the workplace, use local or mechanical ventilation systems to remove dust and steam that may cause sparks or adhere to the tools.

Use non-sparking hand tools when possible, and make sure you take good care of them to avoid creating a workplace hazard.

We are a non sparking hand tools supplier. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products.
